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越来越多的英语面试题目以what's your opinion/what do you think about等句式开头,不设具体角度,自由作答均可。乍一看似乎给了同学们自我发挥的空间,但临场回答切忌想到什么说什么,否则极易答非所问。




1. 熟悉讨论的话题词







表示举例的词语:for example,namely,for instance,that is (to say),such as,like

表示递进的词语:and,as well as,also=besides=furthermore=more over,in addition,for another

表示因果的词语:because,since,as,now that,therefore,thus,so,as a result of,if so,if not


3. 最好能够提出反思或建议性的结尾






🔎 the theory of communication effect

1)Use and Gratifications Approach

· Possible questions

Please briefly elaborate on the“Use and Gratifications Approach”.

How has the "Use and Gratifications Approach"  changed in the Internet age?

The concept of "use and gratification," as introduced by communication scientist Elihu Katz in his seminal 1974 article "Personal Use of Mass Communication," fundamentally shifts the perspective on media consumption. Katz's framework considers the audience not merely as passive recipients of media content but as active individuals with specific needs. Their engagement with media is seen as a purposeful process aimed at fulfilling these needs, thus obtaining gratification.

As we transition into the new media era, it becomes imperative to reassess the "use and gratification" theory in light of the evolving communication landscape. Firstly, users in this era enjoy unprecedented freedom in leveraging technology. They are no longer confined to passively accepting content from traditional media sources. Instead, they wield control over specific channels, enabling them to curate and disseminate information according to their preferences.

Secondly, the advent of new media technologies has ushered in an era of heightened interactivity. Whether through human-machine interactions or person-to-person exchanges, users now actively participate in shaping the content, direction, and pace of information flow. This departure from one-way communication models disrupts the traditional roles of communicators, fostering an environment reminiscent of interpersonal communication in our daily lives.

This shift toward interaction signifies a significant transformation in the dynamics of communication. It not only empowers users to tailor their media experiences but also prompts a return to more personalized, dialogue-based communication structures akin to those found in our everyday interactions. Consequently, new media platforms are now not only meeting the needs of information and social connection but are also becoming instrumental in addressing more pragmatic, real-world needs.

In essence, the "use and gratification" theory, when applied to the contemporary new media environment, acknowledges the enhanced autonomy of users, the paradigm shift towards interactive communication, and the broader spectrum of needs that these new media platforms effectively cater to. The evolving landscape of media consumption demands a nuanced understanding that embraces these changes in user behavior and the multifaceted roles that new media play in our lives.

2)Agenda setting theory

· Possible questions

What is the basic idea behind the theory of "agenda setting"

What is your opinion about "agenda setting" in the new media environment?

In 1972, McCombs and Donald Shaw laid the foundation for agenda-setting theory with their publication "The Agenda-Setting Function of Mass Media" in Public Opinion Quarterly. This theory posits that while mass media might not dictate people's feelings on a specific event or opinion, they have a significant impact on influencing attention to certain facts and opinions, as well as shaping the order in which individuals respond to them. Essentially, media play a crucial role in setting the public agenda by providing information and organizing relevant issues.

However, the advent of the Internet has transformed the dynamics of media consumption and disrupted traditional power relationships between media and audiences. This shift has led to a reconsideration of the reliability and validity of classical communication theories, including the notion of "powerful influence" that mass media once held over the public. The Internet allows users greater agency in selecting and curating the information they consume, challenging the traditional top-down flow of information.

Furthermore, research indicates that human cognitive structures in the information acquisition process are not strictly linear, as assumed by agenda-setting theory. Instead, they resemble network structures, reflecting the interconnected nature of information in the digital age. In response to these challenges, scholars like Guo Lei and McCombs have drawn on the theoretical framework of network analysis, introducing the concept of network agenda-setting theory (NAS theory).

The core tenet of NAS theory is a departure from the traditional focus on a single issue or attribute influencing public perception. Instead, it recognizes that what affects the public is a cognitive network comprised of a series of interconnected issues. In this model, news media not only dictate "what to think" or "how to think" but also play a pivotal role in shaping how individuals link various pieces of information to construct perceptions and judgments of social reality. The intricate network structure reflects the complexity of information dissemination and reception in the new media environment.

In conclusion, the evolution of the Internet has prompted a reevaluation of classical communication theories like agenda-setting. The emergence of NAS theory acknowledges the networked nature of information and its impact on public perception, reflecting the dynamic and interconnected landscape of communication in the digital age.

3)The "spiral of silence" theory

· Possible questions

What is the "spiral of silence"?

What are the new features of the "spiral of silence" in the new media environment?

· Basic concepts

The "spiral of silence" theory, initially introduced by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann in a 1974 paper and later expounded in her 1980 book, "The Spiral of Silence: Public Opinion I - Our Social Skin," is a conceptual framework that explores how individuals navigate expressing their opinions within a social context. The theory comprises three key propositions:

Social Investigation and Conformity: People, being social creatures, tend to assess the prevailing opinion climate before expressing their own views. If they perceive themselves aligned with the majority or the dominant opinion, they are more likely to vocalize their perspectives confidently. Conversely, if they find themselves in the minority or holding an opinion deemed inferior, individuals often succumb to social pressure and opt for silence or echo.

Spiraling Process of Social Communication: The expression of opinions and the retreat into silence create a spiraling effect in social communication. The silence of one group amplifies the momentum of the opposing viewpoint, making the dominant opinion seem more influential. This, in turn, compels more dissenters to choose silence, perpetuating the cycle.

Mass Communication's Role in Opinion Environment: Mass media plays a pivotal role in shaping and constraining public opinion by contributing to the creation of an "opinion environment." The media can influence individuals' perceptions and attitudes, either reinforcing the dominant opinion or challenging it.

· The Anti-Silence Spiral

In the Internet age, the dynamics of the "spiral of silence" have undergone a transformation. Audiences are no longer passive consumers but active participants, freely expressing and supporting minority opinions. Over time, these minority perspectives, with the development of events, can expand and evolve into what is termed an "anti-silence spiral." In this virtual space, individuals are emboldened to openly express their views, engaging in detailed communication and challenging the traditional dynamics of the spiral of silence.

· The Double Spiral of Silence:

In the Internet era, traditional media and new media platforms coexist, contributing to the formation of a "double spiral of silence." Traditional media, drawing on experience and resources, continue to shape mainstream values and opinions, forming one spiral. Simultaneously, individuals actively participate in public opinion formation through new media, expressing opinions and finding like-minded communities, forming the second spiral. 

This duality reflects a shift in individuals' reliance on mass communication, as new media platforms provide spaces for bottom-up communication and the expression of diverse perspectives, challenging and complementing the narratives put forth by traditional media. The "double spiral" illustrates the complexity and interplay of influences in the contemporary media landscape.

4)The knowledge gap theory

· Possible questions

Talk about your understanding of the "knowledge gap"

Do you think the knowledge gap has widened or narrowed in the new media environment?

The insights provided by Ticchino et al. in their 1970 study, as well as the discussions around the digital divide and the transmutation in the new media environment, highlight the complex interplay between socioeconomic factors, education, and access to information in shaping knowledge gaps. Let's delve into the key points:

· Insights from Ticchino et al.'s Study

Socioeconomic Status and Information Acquisition: Higher socioeconomic status correlates with a faster acquisition of information, contributing to the widening knowledge gap between those with better and worse socioeconomic conditions.

Education and Media Promotion: During periods of intense media promotion, individuals with higher education absorb knowledge more rapidly than those with lower education levels.

Correlation Between Knowledge and Education: The correlation between knowledge gained and education level is higher for topics extensively covered by the media.

Knowledge Gaps in Common Interest Areas: Knowledge gaps are more likely to emerge in areas of common interest, while specific interest-based areas are less prone to such gaps.

· The Digital Divide

Access (A): Those with superior economic status have advantages in terms of infrastructure, hardware, and software, leading to discrepancies in internet access.

Basic Skills (B): Differences in basic knowledge and skills related to internet use are closely linked to education levels.

Content (C): Certain groups are more suitable to use and benefit from internet content, reflecting disparities in information access and relevance.

Desire (D): Differences in willingness, motivation, and information-seeking modes create variations in internet usage patterns.

· Transmutation in the New Media Environmen

Economic Barriers: The internet, compared to traditional mass media, is subject to thicker economic barriers, becoming a privilege for economically advantaged classes. This contributes to the formation of a knowledge gap in internet access.

Cultural Barriers: Internet access requires some reading ability and technical proficiency, favoring those with higher education levels. The highly educated have an absolute advantage, leading to cultural barriers.

Entrants' Efforts: While the internet theoretically provides democratic access, its realization depends on the efforts of entrants. Diverse attitudes, concepts, and usage patterns may result in imbalances in knowledge and information access.

Diversification of Attention: Audience attention in the new media environment is no longer limited to knowledge acquisition; it extends to more attractive functions such as fashion and entertainment.

Emergence of "New Gap": Despite the potential for democracy and equal opportunities, the result of network communication may be the persistence of the "old gap" and the emergence of a "new gap" as individuals navigate the internet differently based on their socioeconomic status, education, and cultural factors.

In summary, the intersection of socioeconomic factors, education, and internet access in the new media environment underscores the importance of addressing disparities to achieve more inclusive and equitable information dissemination. The challenges identified in the digital divide and transmutation highlight the need for comprehensive efforts to bridge gaps and ensure that the benefits of the internet are accessible to all.

5)The theory of innovation diffusion

· Possible questions

What are the five stages of innovation and diffusion?

What are the new changes of "innovation diffusion" in online media?

· Concept Analysis

In 1962, American rural sociologist Everett Rogers introduced the "Innovation and Diffusion Theory" in his research report "Innovation and Popularization." This theory explores the process of adopting and popularizing new ideas or innovations in rural areas. 

Rogers categorized the mass communication process into two key aspects: "information flow" and "flow of influence." The former represents the direct transmission of information from the media to the audience, while the latter involves the multilevel process of producing and spreading effects through interpersonal communication. 

Rogers expanded the initial "two-level communication" model into a more nuanced "multilevel" or "N-level communication" model.

· The Five Stages of Innovation and Diffusion

Cognitive Stage: Individuals become aware of the existence of an innovation and understand its function.

Persuasion Stage: Individuals form a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward the innovation.

Decision-Making Stage: Individuals make choices to either adopt or reject the innovation.

Implementation Stage: Individuals put the innovation into use, involving re-innovation and modification.

Confirmation Stage: Individuals seek further confirmation of the completed innovation-decision or may alter their initial decision regarding the innovation.

· Transmutation in the Era of New Media

With the evolution of the Internet and social media, significant transformations have occurred in the media environment, characterized by:

Unlimited Communication Channels: The proliferation of platforms offering diverse communication channels.

Dissolution of Transmission and Reception Boundaries: Blurring distinctions between senders and receivers of information.

Virtual Social Circles Based on Networks: Formation of social circles within the virtual space.

These characteristics indicate that new media not only expands the volume and sources of information but also reshapes the role of the audience and the dynamics of information circulation. In the new media era, the integration of social media and traditional media accelerates the adoption rate and diffusion of innovations.

While traditional media elevated the role of opinion leaders in innovation diffusion, the era of new media sees a diminishing significance of opinion leaders. The highly centralized and controlled influence seen in traditional media is replaced by individual redissemination in the network media era. Redissemination involves individuals sharing new ideas through forwarding and recommendation, significantly hastening the diffusion process at a macro level.

In summary, the Innovation and Diffusion Theory, initially developed by Rogers, remains relevant in the era of new media, showcasing the adaptability of the framework to changing communication landscapes and the influential role of individual redissemination in the contemporary diffusion process.

6)Frame theory

· Possible questions

What is "frame theory"? Tell me about your understanding.

How do you think the new media environment has changed the "news frame"?

Different scholars have different definitions and views on "frame", but what these definitions have in common is that "frame" is a framework for recognizing and presenting things. Through the selection and processing of things, certain connotations are highlighted and certain thoughts are expressed, which in turn reflect specific cultural values. Frame has four functions: to define the problem or clarify the key facts related to the problem; An explanation of the causes and consequences of the problem; Moral judgment of the problem; Propose solutions to problems and discuss possible outcomes.

· Evolution in the new media era

With the continuous development of new media, the news framework has been dissolved to some extent. The audience on new media is very scattered, and forums and micro-blogs have become a new kind of communication channels, which are no longer limited to the framework set by traditional media. 

With the continuous development of new media, part of the power of traditional news framework has been dissolved, and the framework set by traditional news media in the past has become blurred, and the information that traditional media want to highlight and hide has become more difficult in the environment of new media.

🔎 Media ethics anomie

· Possible questions

Talk about three kinds of media ethical anomie and give examples

How can journalists avoid media ethics anomie?

What are the causes of media ethics anomie?

1)Paid news

It refers to the abuse of reporting power in positive reporting, the exchange of exaggerated false reporting for economic benefits, the purpose of corporate publicity, personal publicity, etc., is actually a disguised advertisement.

2)Blackmail of news

"Pay nothing to hear", under the guise of criticism and reporting to blackmail subjects to obtain economic benefits, dissimilating the supervision function of public opinion. It is characterized by the transaction of money, goods or services between the supervisor and the supervised by means of public opinion supervision, and the result is the suspension or change of public opinion supervision.

3)rent-seeking by media

It refers to the behavior of the news media to seek improper economic benefits by taking the public power endowed by the society -- the right to speak as the capital. It is manifested in planning and producing news for rent-seekers, helping rent-seekers to attack competitors, selling the media's right of supervision by public opinion, etc.

4)indifference to news

It is a reporting method in which journalists and editors interview the victims of disasters and their families in ways that violate social conscience and humanity, obtain news and pictures, and show them in the text, or use human disasters for commercial purposes and infringe on the rights of others. It is manifested in the aspects of teasing, rendering, "cold objective" and "materialized humanity".

5)Media aphasia

It is the active or passive abandonment of the right to speak. For example, turning a blind eye to some news facts with communication value or even great communication value, or reprimanding some criticized party without giving the other party the opportunity to defend.

6)Media discrimination

In news writing, journalists intentionally or unintentionally give unfair and untrue subjective evaluation to the object of the report, and such subjective evaluation always brings different degrees of negative impact on the object of the report or the third party, mainly manifested in language discrimination. (such as language discrimination against gender, identity, physical defects, migrant workers, etc.)

7)Media violence

It can be divided into two aspects. On the one hand, it refers to the violent content spread by the mass media, which is "media violence"; On the other hand, it also refers to the violent acts imposed by the mass media as the perpetrator, which is the "violent media". For example, the violent content is too much and the time is too long; Violent content "entertainment", violence loss degree and so on.

8)Media trial

It means that the news media goes beyond the judicial procedure and preempts the judgment, conviction, sentencing and the conclusion of winning or losing the case against the person involved. The consequences may affect judicial independence, violate the spirit of the legal system, and reduce the credibility of the media.

9)Media coercion

Refers to the behavior of excessive public reporting of the private sphere by the media. This kind of behavior brings undue pressure to the reported individuals, which also causes the dysfunction of mass media and mismatches the social role of news media. There are two kinds of media's self-formation and individual's use of media to press.

10)Fake news

News reported by the news media, without authoritative sources, and caused by intentional or gross negligence is basically false or completely false news. It is news fabricated by the media or journalists out of thin air, and the news events reported do not exist in reality.

11)False media stories

The media or journalists plan an event or series of events, which are then reported by the media in the form of news. It is characterized by the overlap of sources and reporters, as well as the mediatization of events.

12)Media events

Events of specific historical value that have been planned and executed by "organizations" (governments, political parties, enterprises, social groups), with the participation of the media, and communicated to the audience include not only the "behavior" of the event itself, but also the "behavior" of the media in the whole process. It breaks the boundaries of space, allows the audience to participate in the process of the event, and breaks the time limit, so that the audience is invested in the "performance" at the cost of changing the rules of daily life, resulting in a kind of role dislocation, believing that they are part of the event and are the direct participants of the event.

13)Entertainment of news

It is to select and process news in an entertaining way to make it easier for the audience to pay attention to and understand the news information, and its purpose is to pursue sensationalism with entertainment. The content is biased towards soft news or tries to soften the news, that is, "hard news soft landing".

· Summary

In the transition period of economic system, media ethics problems in China have entered a period of high incidence. Although media industrialization cannot avoid the absence of core values and objectives of media, as a social public resource, the responsibility of media to perform social supervision and convey public opinions is much more important than the pursuit of economic interests. This requires us to make more efforts in self-discipline and supervision, and constantly explore new solutions.

🔎 social media

· Possible questions

Talk about what you know and think about social media

How has social media affected the news industry?

· Definition

Social media is built upon a suite of internet communication tools, including Social Networking Services (SNS), Blogs, Mini-Blogs, Bulletin Board Systems (BBS), Instant Messaging (IM), Email, and various others. This dynamic platform involves the filtration and processing of information through numerous nodes, represented by individuals, who interpret and disseminate content based on their professional expertise, preferences, values, and media engagement.

The essence of social media lies in offering a distinctive array of services to its audience, encompassing forms such as streaming, interaction, and contact. Presently, social media platforms continue to evolve, showcasing an increasing diversity in forms and precise functional roles. These include furnishing personalized information, enabling self-expression, facilitating content sharing, integrating social games, and providing real-time updates, among other features.

The expanding landscape of social media not only broadens its reach but also refines its capabilities. The detailed function positioning allows users to tailor their experiences, emphasizing aspects such as personalized information consumption, self-presentation, collaborative content sharing, participation in social gaming activities, and staying abreast of the latest updates. As social media continues to evolve, its multifaceted nature plays a crucial role in shaping and influencing modern communication, information sharing, and online interaction.

· Features

The current social media shows the characteristics of equality, social, personalized and participatory.

1. Equality: The emergence of social media breaks the original communication mode dominated by traditional media and puts more emphasis on the subject status of the audience. The dissemination of information is a process of sharing, and everyone has the right to share equally.

2. Sociability: Social media provides a virtual communication space for the audience. Through the likes, comments, forward and other ways, it effectively expands people's communication space and interpersonal circle.

3. Personalization: In social media, each user can have their own personalized page, users can publish information in their own circle, upload pictures, text and create their own personalized content.

4. Participation: The user in social media is not only the content consumer in the community platform, but also the content producer, which is what we often say UGC.

· The impact of social media on news production

1. News gathering stage: the channels for journalists to obtain information are increased, the sources of information are broadened, and users begin to become information providers.

2. News writing and editing stage: news production realizes the diversified presentation of video, audio, animation and even virtual reality content.

3. News control stage: It improves the mass nature of the topic, forcing traditional media to speak out.

4. News reporting stage: Social media reshapes the news ecology and breaks the situation that elites control the right to speak.

· Risks and problems that social media may bring:

1. Make the audience form the habit of "shallow reading and shallow thinking", and lose their own thinking and judgment ability.

2. The information is timely but the authenticity is difficult to guarantee.

3. Emotional expression increases the possibility of trial by media

🔎 Internet violence

· Possible questions:

What is cyberbullying? Why does cyberbullying occur?

How do you think cyberbullying should be managed?

Cyber violence is a form of zealous and indiscriminate behavior that harnesses the influence of internet public opinion to ruthlessly target individuals. Initiated by a minority but involving a large number of participants, this behavior is characterized by high-frequency public interaction and cross-platform transmission. Not only is it a low-cost endeavor, but the blame and unpredictable, uncontrollable harmful consequences make it a pervasive issue.

· Causes of Cyber Violence

The inherent risk of network technology serves as the underlying catalyst for cyber violence.

The chaotic release of risks during the societal transformation process acts as the immediate driving force behind the emergence of cyber violence.

The structural characteristics of the youth within the netizen group and the cultural psychology of pan-moralization are crucial factors contributing to cyber violence.

Inadequate legal frameworks create a sense of security among netizens, fostering an environment where cyber violence can thrive.

Profit-oriented organizations contribute to the prevalence of online violence by prioritizing gains over ethical considerations.

· Governance Strategies for Cyber Violence

The government should adopt innovative approaches to social governance and take a leading role in responding to cyber violence.

Society needs to bolster its self-organizational capacity, playing a pivotal role in addressing cyber violence.

Internet users must proactively enhance their awareness of risk prevention and boost their literacy in online behavior to effectively counteract online violence.

Platforms should strengthen their gatekeeping responsibilities to create a safer online environment.

Reinforcing online law enforcement, enhancing online public opinion supervision capabilities, and improving supervision methods are essential measures to combat cyber violence effectively.

By addressing the root causes and implementing comprehensive governance strategies, it is possible to mitigate the impact of cyber violence and create a safer digital space for all users.

🔎 New media technology

1) Algorithms and personalized push

· Possible questions

What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks of personalized feeds?

Personalized information push based on algorithm, that is, the algorithm is used to analyze the user's behavior and relationship, mining the user's preferences and potential needs for content, and automatically generate the information that meets their needs in the way of information aggregation, so as to realize personalized content recommendation and customized news delivery. Personalized information push filters a lot of useless information for users, saves users' time, and greatly improves the efficiency of content distribution, but it is also prone to negative effects such as information cocoon and filter bubble.

2)Chat GPT

· Possible questions

Talk about your thoughts on Chat GPT.

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence deep learning algorithm that automatically generates or analyzes text for new questions based on big data text content. ChatGPT is an important part of AIGC, and the appearance of ChatGPT model is of great significance for the application of text/speech modes in AIGC. The impact of ChatGPT on the media industry is as follows:

1. More efficient -- greatly improve the material collection, sorting and processing efficiency of content products.

2. More humane -- enhance the emotional appeal of AI automatic content creation and optimize the quality of content products.

3. More accurate -- Improve the ability of big data analysis to achieve accurate distribution of content.

4. More interesting -- human-computer interaction is strengthened to stimulate users' enthusiasm for participation.

5. More marketing - Create soft marketing, enabling product sales.

· The hidden worries and reflections of ChatGPT

1. It causes copyright problems;

2. Spam of false information;

3. Digital hegemony


· Possible questions:

What do you think of Sora?

Sora is a new generative artificial intelligence model released by U.S. artificial intelligence company OpenAI on Monday after the chatbot ChatGPT launched last year led a new wave of artificial intelligence, which means that after text and images, OpenAI has extended its advanced AI technology to the field of video. 

OpenAI also said that Sora is the foundation for models that can understand and simulate the real world, and this ability will be an important milestone in achieving AGI. Sora is an AI video model that allows users to simply type in a string of text to generate a pure AI original video that looks real. In addition, you can also input images into videos, and use videos to turn into new videos.

Positive impact on the news industry: 1. Optimize the news production process and improve production efficiency; 2.Deepen human-computer interaction in news production; 3. Improve the quality of communication and enhance user activity.

· Negative impact

1. The proliferation and spread of false information; 2. violation of user privacy and data security; 3. News credibility is reduced and news ethics are challenged

🔎 Healthy communication

· Possible questions

What causes false health information?

1.Social platforms reshape the media landscape, and we media has become a hotbed of false health information

2. Health information is a rigid demand of the public

3. Medical experts give up their voice

· Possible questions

How to control false health information?

1.Strengthen supervision and legal warnings

2. Establish a public opinion early warning mechanism for mutual supervision by users

3. With the help of big data and artificial intelligence, the common keywords of false information are blocked and targeted management is carried out

4. Give play to the role of professional media in verifying false information

🔎 Spreading rumors

· Possible questions

Why are rumors so frequent in the new media environment?

How do you think rumors on the Internet should be controlled?

· The propagation characteristics of Internet rumors

1. Diversified transmission channels. A large number of rumors are spread through multiple channels, showing a parallel state of export head transmission, mobile phone transmission and network transmission.

2. The content of communication is fragmented. In the Internet era, rumors are prone to variation in ways such as omission, simplification and emphasis in the process of dissemination, which makes the trend of fragmentation of communication content more significant.

3. Real-time transmission speed. The characteristics of social media, such as timely interaction, anonymity and weak control, make the spread of rumors more convenient and fast, and the time from formation to climax of rumors is greatly shortened.

4. The spread scope is global. The Internet has scaled the world into a "global village", and rumors are more likely to break through the restrictions of countries and regions, expand their spread and exert global influence.

· Rumor management

1. Increase information openness and transparency

2. Improve the legal system

3. Strengthen platform audit and supervision

4. Cultivate "opinion leaders" to quicken the speed of refuting rumors

🔎 Short videos and live broadcasts

1)Short videos

· Possible questions

How should informational short videos develop?

1. Information short videos need to form a new "micro-narrative" model for mobile viewing needs.

2. Cultivate high-quality short video "seeds" with important news value and relatively hard subject matter

3. Strengthen the collaborative innovation production mechanism of UGC and PGC

4. Ensure content quality and match user needs

2)Live streaming

· Possible questions

What do you think of the rapid development of webcast?

Network broadcast refers to "a virtual reality platform built by relying on web pages or client technology, and a platform for anchors (mainly grassroots talents) to provide performance, creation, display and support the interaction between anchors and users. It is a form of interaction based on video broadcast technology". At present, the vigorous development of e-commerce live broadcast has injected new vitality into the growth of the overall user scale of the industry, and enriched the content and realization methods of the online live broadcast industry.

The problems of live broadcasting are as follows:

1. The content is too vulgar, which affects the social atmosphere

2. The operation model is homogenized and the profit model is single

3.There are loopholes in platform management, and the supervision needs to be strengthened

🔎 International Communication 

· Possible questions

How to tell a good China story? Talk about your opinion

What is the meaning of "Internet celebrity" in international communication? Please give some examples.

1. Call on all subjects to participate consciously, so that the main body of communication is diversified.

2. Improve narrative ability, find the commonality, empathy and universality of existing Chinese stories on the world stage, and then carry out creative transformation and innovative development.

3. Pay attention to overseas social platform operation, overseas media cooperation and other forms, and constantly improve the arrival rate, reading rate and liking rate of overseas communication, focusing on building overseas "Internet celebrities".

4. Pay attention to overseas youth groups and "Generation Z", and try to satisfy their preference for Chinese information and channel attention.

🔎 News Production

· Possible questions

What are the implications of AI technology for journalistic practices?

How to do journalism in the age of intelligence?

1. Application of data mining and analysis technology to news dissemination

2. Automated production is applied to news production

3. Intelligent algorithms are widely used in information distribution

4. Fact-checking techniques are used in news analysis

5. Social robots are applied to the collection, monitoring, dissemination and interaction of news information











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